Coffee Hour table for fundraising

First Church in Sterling 6 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Sterling, MA, United States

Sell Ornaments, knit items & sponsorships

Coffee Hour Table for fundraising

First Church in Sterling 6 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Sterling, MA, United States

Sell Ornaments, Knit items and sponsorships

Coffee Hour Table for fundraising

First Church in Sterling 6 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Sterling, MA, United States

Selling sponsorships, raffle tickets and drumming up support for the Auction

Coffee Hour Table for Fundraising

First Church in Sterling 6 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Sterling, MA, United States

Silent Auction Items, Raffle Tickets, Sponsorships and education about the fundraiser.

Coffee Hour table for Fundraising

First Church in Sterling 6 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Sterling, MA, United States

Silent Auction Items, Raffle Tickets, Sponsorships and education about the fundraiser.